The awakening of Sexual Health
The implications of sexual health for life became interested in the 70's
"The day I read that sex is bad for your health, stop reading." With these words of the great Groucho Marx want to bring more light on sexual health, a concept morecomprehensive sex practice and covers many aspects of health in general and the particular disease that may impact the quality of life .
Several international organizations have been defined since the early 70's the concept of Sexual Health. We may wonder why other concepts such as justice orequality is defined centuries ago and it took so long to enter the scene.
The explanation could be that man has a pattern of priorities. -From the most basicfood, housing, work, etc. .- to the most advanced, entertainment, intellectualrecreation, art, etc. .-. Sexual Health in something similar happens. For centuries the only concern in this regard focused on reproduction and all other aspects were overlooked by religious, social or simply cultural and lack of development.
In our society, the concept of sexual health has been expanding, increasingly, to have a presence in our lives, and awakening unusual interest and universal.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined twice (1975 and 2001) this concept. The latest and most complete definition is: "Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of sexuality, not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respect full approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of pleasure and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. In order for sexual health be achieved and maintained the sexual rights of all people should be respected, protected and fulfilled. "
Forgotten by Medicine
From the very practice of medicine, sexual health has been away from their interestsfor centuries, with little or no representation in textbooks, university programs anddisciplines to develop. Gradually over the past two decades have seen rapidintellectual development in this field, not just male sexuality but also in the female.
New concepts and forms of disease have given us new tools to solve more problems for our patients. We've gone from a concept to an exclusive and isolationist position pervasiveness of sexual dysfunction in almost any health problem. From cancer to diabetes, from hypertension to depression, from obesity to menopause have a corresponding impact on relationship and sexual life and therefore those who suffer emotional.
When we think of major diseases is difficult to find one whose symptoms or treatmentdoes not affect in any way to the sexual health of men and women with the disease.Sexual health should be seen in an "inclusive and transversal"
In man, the problems can be many and varied, from erection disorders at any age to lack of sexual desire, premature ejaculation or orgasm disturbances. Also sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and doubts about the size and shape of the penis, etc.n
In women, there may be sexual health problems during pregnancy, lack of sexual desire and orgasm, painful intercourse, vaginismus, dyspareunia, questions about contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, aesthetics of the female external genitalia, etc.n.
The two major epidemics that cause most deaths today are cardiovascular disease(myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular disease risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, etc.) As well as most common tumors (breast, prostate, colon, bladder, etc.).. Both can have significant alterations in the sexual health of individuals and their partners.
¿Does smoking damages your sex life?The probability of developing cancer in 30 years does not prevent most people stopsmoking. However, this news could do: a man may suffer from impotence when theycontinue to smoke like there's no future. Pay attention: there is a big risk for smokerswho experience impotence or erectile dysfunction.
The chances of impotence have increased 50 percent in men between 30 and 40 years of age. It is believed that smoking is a cause of impotence sufferers in the United States 120,000 men between 30 and 49 years old
The connection between smoking and impotence
When blood comes in bulk from the arteries of the penis, an erection. As this happens, a valve mechanism that causes the veins to constrict, impeding blood flow.The flow of blood that causes weak erections and reduced sexual activity. Smokingsignificantly reduces this process.
Stimulation of nicotine causes rapid contractions immediately in the penile tissues.This limits the amount of blood flowing to the penis. Less blood flow to the penis, it means a lack of erection in the short term. The medical term is acute vasospasm.The nicotine in the bloodstream may also limit the valve mechanism to trap the blood in the penile area. This process is known as venous dilation. Even if a man can havean erection, can not be maintained.
In the long term, smoking increases erectile dysfunction and cause the same damage that is often associated with strokes and heart attacks and arteriosclerosis. It is acondition in which arteries harden and thicken due to the buildup of fatty substances in the blood vessels that cause narrowing.
The types of affected arteries tend to vary from person to person. Atherosclerosis ofthe blood vessels that supply blood to the brain of an individual puts them at risk forstroke. With atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that "feed" the heart, a person becomes vulnerable to heart disease. Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels in the penis will prevent enough blood to the area, causing the dreaded erectile dysfunction.
Si a usted le gusta disfrutar de una vida sexual plena, no continúe fumando. No hay tiempo, ahora es el momento para empezar a dejar de fumar. Recuerde, su desempeño sexual está pendiendo de un hilo, si usted insiste en fumar durante el día. Una manera fácil de dejar de fumar no causa la ansiedad y / o síntomas de abstinencia
Sex makes you happy

A total of 238 married individuals over 65 years responded to questions like How many times had sex in the last 12 months? Including how such vaginal, anal and oral sex. Adrienne Jackson and his team discovered that the frequency was an indicationof both the general happiness of the marriage, even taking into account other factors such as age, gender, health status and satisfaction with financial situation ..
The 40% who reported no sexual activity said they were very happy with their life in general. The percentage among those who were active (more than once per month)was 60%.
When asked by his marriage, the difference was more noticeable. 59% of thesexually active group is not claimed to be very happy couple, compared to 80% of marriages that preserved their intimate relationships. This is reflected in research presented this week in Boston in 64 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA).
Not only they feel happier, "the perception of their health is better," said Francisco Molero,director of the Institute of Sexology in Barcelona and vice president of the Spanish Federation of Sexology.
As explained by this expert, sex is a higher capacity of the person, like speech, walking, etc.. "If you stop using, it feels to have a problem, illness or something abnormal and this affects the perception of own health." In short, "the function does to the body and makes them feel a live" .
Sexual desire persists after the 70
Not many studies examining these issues in the mature population intimate and therefore work as presented in Boston help better understand this aspect and its impact on mental and physical health of the individual. It is "a forgotten age group butmore and more, are better preserved, with more quality of life and more socially active," claims Molero.
According to Jackson, "The relationship between sex and happiness could facilitate the design of sexual health interventions to improve the quality of life for these people."
Despite what people think, says Spanish specialist, "the older stable couples do maintain sexual activity as long as his health permits (not bedridden or have dementia, for example)." And those who are single, they still desire. The problem is that some biases persist as the sex life in adulthood and just "not true".
"Socially not accepted that women and men age 70 to have sex.Over more, when they are widows or widowers, many times it's own family who have difficulty finding a partner, but they keep falling in love and having sexual desire, "says Molero. They still have their physiological needs.
Reed More:
- Health News Channel: Men and women, even more different than thought
- Sexual activity declines with age for women, but not the satisfaction
- Health News Channel: And you, what's your problem with the condom?
What happens in the brain of a sexual sadist?
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