Women in their 50s are more satisfied with their sex lives than women in their 40s

Who said that over the years, women are less satisfied sexually? Because they are not right. Quite the contrary. Data from a recent study confirms that sexual satisfaction increases with age. But more importantly this is achieved even with no prior desire or sexual intercourse.
Elizabeth Barrett-Conor, from the University of California (USA), is the author of the new trial which involved 806 women living in the community Bernardino Rancho, a suburb of San Diego. The age of all: 40 to 100 years.
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Since the creation of that community (1972-1974), all study participants have been monitored annually to meet their vital status. Every two years analyzed, in addition, specific conditions and behaviors potentially related to healthy aging.
In the case of women, the researchers asked participants about their physical andemotional, if they had the menopause, if they used estrogen replacement therapy, if they had a stable partner and recent sexual activity. Was investigated also in their sexual function: desire, arousal, lubrication, pain and satisfaction.
The data show that the probability of sexual activity is reduced with age. Half of theparticipants had close encounters in the last month, of which 80% were with theirpartner. "67% of sexually active women reached orgasm," as published by the latest
'The American Journal of Medicine'.
Without desire
More interesting are the references that allude to that 40% of women said they never or almost never felt sexual desire, and a third of sexually active participants acknowledged that his libido was low. "Although there is a correlation between sexual desire and other sexual function domains, only one in five sexually active women confessed to have much sexual desire," says the lead author of the essay.
Francisca Molero, director of the Institute of Sexology in Barcelona and vice president of the Spanish Federation of Sexology, the study results do not surprise you that despite popular beliefs are others.Sexual satisfaction does not "have to be necessarily linked to spontaneous desire, but rather is related to the emotional quality, with communication and closeness of the couple."
For this specialist older women feel more satisfied with sex than younger women may be due to "a certain age as a woman in quarantine undergoes a change of role, it happens at home because the children are older , but also work with the couple. in addition, physical changes begin, you will gain weight, and still there is great social concern about body image. All this makes the 'sex' can move temporarily into the background. but when the moment passes, she begins to live differently. "
One of the traditional error is thinking that "they need to feel desire to initiate sex andto be satisfied. Unlike men, and especially in stable relationships, women do not always start relations from spontaneous sexual desire. In these usually occurs in the early stages of infatuation or in situations where the surprise (dinner, a trip ...). the desire usually occurs after the excitation. the previously there is no mean they can not initiate a sexual encounter ".
Orgasmic satisfaction
Despite advanced age is considered a predictor of low sexual satisfaction, the percentage of sexually satisfied women in the study actually increased with age.About half of women older than 80 years, almost always or always acknowledged to be satisfied sexually. Among these, those who were sexually active had orgasmicsatisfaction rates similar to those of younger women.
"In this study, sexual activity was not always the purpose of sexual gratification through sexual intercourse. Those who were not sexually active could have achieved sexual satisfaction through touching, fondling or other intimate activities developed inthe course of a relationship, "
"The emotional and physical closeness with the partner may be more important than orgasm. Carry out a more positive approach to female sexual health designed toassess your satisfaction may be more beneficial for women than a narrow focus on sexual activity or dysfunctions ".
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