Monday, December 12, 2011

How survive the world's smallest baby

Madeline and Rumaisa born at less than 300 grams.
A study recounts how years after leading a normal life.

     Madeline and Rumaisa were in a hurry to be born. Tanta, who came into the worldbefore they play, with less than 300 grams of weight and size similar to a mobile phone. When seen, a few bet on its future. But they were wrong, because not only have managed to get a head, but today, years after his birth, lead a normal life.

      His story is told this week the journal Pediatrics, which reviewed the evolution of these two 'miracles' of biology.
     With only 280 grams, Madeline in 1989 became the smallest baby in the story thats he survived. Preeclampsia that her mother suffered a complication of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure-was causing changes in its development, so that, after taking some precautions, the doctors decided to terminate the pregnancy at 26 weeks of pregnancy and cesarean section. 
Had little chance to survive, but after several months of care, managed to leave thehospital. Was 122 days old and weighed just under two kilos when 'born' again.

The history of Rumaisa

     Rumaisa broke all records when it came to the world in 2004 with only 260 grams.His mother also suffered from a severe preeclampsia, including a twin pregnancy complications, so her pregnancy was not easy. Born with only 25 weeks and had to spend several months with mechanical ventilation and other therapies to ensure their development. In the 142 days of life, and when he had reached two kilos and 300grams, the doctors gave him the high and could go.Both Madeline and Rumaisa made ​​headlines in its day. His birth caught the attention of flashes and lights, but nothing was known about the evolution of development.

"The survival of babies born at less than 400 grams attracts media attention, butthere is often no follow up care and further growth," say in the medical journal specialists Loyola University Medical Center (Illinois, USA) who have treated Rumaisa and Madeline.

     Motivated in part by this 'gap', the researchers decided to tell what had happened to the two children years after their premature births complicated. According to his data, three years later , both had  motor skills and age-appropriate language. In fact, the two were to meet all development parameters usually evaluated pediatricians.
To the extent that today, 20 years after his birth, Madeline is a brilliant psychology student without any obstacles and Rumaisa, now seven, attending school with children his age with an individualized education plan. Of course, both have a weight and height less than average.

      In its conclusions, the experts stress the importance of these data for the care of premature babies, they warn that these findings "are not necessarily typical."
     Therefore in the case of Madeline as in Rumaisa, explain, there are variouscircumstances that are generally associated with better outcomes. First, bothgestational age was much higher than would correspond to a weight so low (at 25 or 26 weeks a fetus typically weighs more, but their mothers had preeclampsia fact that just had grown).

Before birth

     On the other hand, the two were treated before birth to promote postnatal maturationand in addition, the two were women.
"A direct comparison between these two cases and other infants may provide false hopes to families, professionals and, in general, the entire forensic community," say the researchers.
    However, in his text also stress that their data demonstrate the progress made in recent years and they need to open the debate on the parameters from which to consider the viability of a fetus.


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